Upright & grand pianos


C. Bechstein Concert

Fabulous masterpieces for the highest demands, the ideal sound of many pianists worldwide. The perfect action renders every nuance. Unsurpassed excellence.


Residence R 6 Elegance

The pinnacle of elegance in sound and form


Residence R 6 Style

Optimal proportions with superb sound


Residence R 6 Classic

Timeless beauty meets unparalleled sound


Residence R 4 Contur

A melodic shape and an exquisite sound


Residence R 4 Classic

An homage to balance and traditional piano design.


Residence R 2 Millenium

Unique beauty stemming from full sound and puristic design.

C. Bechstein — The Sound of Excellence

C. Bechstein instruments are the ne plus ultra of upright and grand pianos. These jewels formed by masters’ hands are the best money can buy and deliver a wealth of luxurious details. Throughout the company’s history, C. Bechstein pianos have been famous for their brand-specific characteristics that empower players to express themselves freely. Just as a famous pianist once said: “When you play a C. Bechstein, the instrument’s marvelous voice and perfect, elegant action make you forget about the technique, so that you enjoy absolute freedom of interpretation.”

Experience and expertise are the foundations of excellence for a piano manufacturer, while investments in research and development are necessary to constantly improve the quality of the instruments. Moreover, the commitment of the piano-makers and their love of detail augment this quest for excellence.

C. Bechstein is the only European piano manufacturer that has been continuously investing in their instruments’ quality during the last decades. The investments have been geared at developing the German production site and setting up an R&D center that is unique the world over and universally admired by piano-making experts. Carl Bechstein, the company founder, already had a similar approach aimed at continuously boosting the growth of the enterprise.

C. Bechstein is also the only manufacturer that is steadily increasing the in-house production depth. For example, the company recently set up its own hammerhead production unit, thus achieving a level of quality that could not be delivered by any third-party supplier. Furthermore, the C. Bechstein uprights boast components that are usually found only in up-market grand pianos. The quality of both the materials and the production processes are unparalleled. This explains why the C. Bechstein uprights have been leaders on the high-end market from the beginning.

Several exceptionally magnificent instruments were made at the C. Bechstein manufactory in recent decades, including replicas of vintage pianos Sphinx and Goldflügel, as well as the Sterling grand developed in co-operation with the silversmiths Robbe & Berking.

The world over, demanding pianists and music aficionados in search of excellence admire the C. Bechstein upright and grand pianos. These instruments are found in countless concert halls, conservatories and private music rooms – any place where people appreciate truly good music. Do not hesitate to ask your C. Bechstein dealer for the DVDs presenting the production site. They reveal some of the secrets behind the success of C. Bechstein upright and grand pianos.

Piano guide

This online piano guide underlines the many advantages of piano playing and provides a wealth of purchase tips.